
9 Great Reasons Teachers Should Use Twitter

Katie Donald shared this blog post with me tonight. I tweeted it to my network, and I hope you will do the same with yours. I also condensed the 9 things, and posted a link to the orginal blog post by Laura Walker, a Modern Language teacher in a high school in the UK. About Laura.

Here is a great quote from the post:

“Following smart people on Twitter is like a mental shot of expresso!”

1. Together we are better.

2. Global or local: you choose

3. Self-awareness and reflective practice

4. Ideas and workshop sounding board

5. Newsroom and innovation showcase

6. Professional development and critical friends

7. Quality-assured searching

8. Communicate, communicate, communicate

9. Getting with the times has never been so easy.

I would add a 10th, because top 10 lists just rest better: It's fun!

I'll admit that it takes a little time to get your head around why you should invest the time and energy, and it takes a little time and work until you see any payback, but it can become a great source of encouragement, connection, and information for passionate professionals.

Thanks for passing along the info, Katie!

Follow MrsLWalker on Twitter.

9 Great Reason Teachers should Use Twitter original blog post

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