
The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman

First published in 2005, Thomas Friedman's book, The World is Flat, has changed the way we talk about globalization. Many had begun to recognize and experience outsourcing when we called helplines that connected us to India and noticed the proliferation of goods made in China. Friedman, however, wrote about the big slew of forces that are propelling this interconnected, face-paced world, and pretty much makes the case that the changes, which he nicknames a flat world, are permanent.

Friedman predicts that the service sector (telemarketing, accounting, computer programming, engineering and scientific research, etc.), will be further outsourced to the English-spoken abroad; manufacturing, meanwhile, will continue to be off-shored to China. As anyone who reads his column knows, Friedman argues that these developments are desirable for their competitive efficiencies and are unstoppable, and that American workers should be preparing to 'create value through leadership' and 'sell personality.'

And for education, what does this all mean?
Is education a product or a service?
Is education outsourceable?
What about e-learning?

check out this website: Tutorvista.com or this one: Indian Math Online
online language instruction, standards-based KET Distance Learning

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