
Advice for Teachers New to Twitter

Liz Davis is the Director of Academic Tech at Belmont Hill School, an independent school outside of Boston. She blogs about the power of technology in transforming learning. I subscribe to her blog and follow her on twitter, and you can, too. Here is a link to her blog and to her twitter profile.

This particular recent post gives advice to teachers that are new to Twitter. It includes the basics like using your real name and a real photo of yourself, filling out your profile info, and what and how often to share. She also lists a number of good people to add to your network if you are a teacher.

Liz is a good teacher to follow. She shares a lot and gets what teachers are interested in and need. Once you follow someone like Liz, look at whom she is following, and start following some of them. That is utilizing good people as a filter. This is how you build up a good and useful network.

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