
Damon in Independent School magazine

Here is the link to Dr. Damon's cover article in Independent School magazine. Of course, in the spring I had no idea that Dr. Damon would be featured in Independent School magazine, but I am thrilled that he is. This makes GSL look really smart and timely, on our game.

In this article, Damon addresses the issue of student disengagement, which he deems as one of the most pressing problems in education today. And, he says, the problem is "not confined to disadvantaged neighborhoods, failing schools, or poorly-run classrooms." Dr. Damon contends that "even in the most privileged schools, there are students who find little meaning in the work they are expected to do." These student do their work dutiful and to high accolade, but Dr. Damon's research proves that they are at great risk for burnout when a sense of purpose is missing.
How can we more consistently remember to paint the big picture for our students, explicitly drawing the threads/connections from the lessons to their interests in life? Can we do a better job at making education relevant? Is it worth the effort?

(Dr. Damon says the more interested a kid, the more engaged he or she is, and the more engaged, the better he or she behaves and the more they learn, the more skills he or she develops. He says that moral behavior follows a sense of purpose.)

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