
Damon's Advice for Parents and Teachers

What do I want to be when I grow up? Children ask this, but do we really help them use this question to become the person they imagine themselves in the future? Do we help them become people who love what they do and find a sense of lasting satisfaction from the contribution they are making to the world? William Damon, in his
new book, The Path to Purpose: Helping Our Children Find Their Calling In Life, gives specific steps for parents and teachers to support kids in becoming who and what they want to be when they grow up.

In his studies of where a sense of purpose in life comes from, Dr. Damon identifies a set of factors that are crucial. His recommendation is that parents and teachers become more mindful of these factors in the day-to-day moments in order to help guide children to find their calling. A calling, he defines as that "fit" between what one is good at, what one enjoys, and what excites and excites the more we delve deeper. His suggestions are not difficult or complicated. With a little mindfulness, these can be woven into many interactions we have with chldren and students. (from chapter 6, "Parenting for Purpose")

1) Listen closely for the spark, every child has one. Fan the flames
2) Take advantage of regular opportunities to open a dialogue
3) Be open-minded and supportive of the sparks of interests expressed
4) Convey your own sense of purpose and the meaning you derive from your work
5) Impact wisdom about the practicalities in life
6) Introduce children to possible mentors
7) Encourage an entrepreneurial attitude
8) Nurture a positive attitude. Avoid cynicism at all costs
9) Instill in children a feeling of agency (a sense of their own power and capability) and link this to responsibility.

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